March 27, 2023 | Categorised in:


An effective advertising campaign starts with a clear understanding of the cost structure of the platform you choose. When it comes to Facebook Ads vs Instagram Ads, there are several key factors that determine the cost of your ads, including audience targeting, ad format, and bidding strategies. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at these factors and how they impact the cost of your advertising campaign on each platform.

  • Audience Targeting

When deciding between Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads, consider the user base and targeting options of each platform. Facebook offers a large, diverse user base and comprehensive targeting options, such as demographic information, interests, and behaviours, making it ideal for highly targeted campaigns. On the other hand, Instagram has a younger, visually-focused user base and limited targeting options, primarily based on demographic information, interests, and behaviours.

When budgeting for your advertising campaign, think about your target audience and what platform will best reach them. If your target audience is broad and diverse, Facebook may be the better option, but if you’re looking to reach a younger, visually-focused audience, Instagram may be a better fit. Ultimately, the choice will depend on your specific marketing goals and target audience.

  • Ad Format

Ad format can greatly impact your advertising campaign’s cost and effectiveness. Both Facebook and Instagram offer a variety of ad formats, including image, video, and carousel ads. Facebook offers more options, while Instagram focuses on visually-focused formats. Consider the cost and engagement rate of each format when choosing, and how it aligns with your marketing goals. 

Video ads tend to be more expensive but also more engaging, while image and carousel ads are budget-friendly and effective for showcasing products and creating brand awareness. On Instagram, story ads are a unique, engaging format that allows for a more natural reach to your target audience.

  • Bidding Strategies

Bidding strategies refer to the methods used to determine the cost of your ad and how it will be shown to your target audience. 

Facebook offers Cost per Impression (CPM), Cost per Click (CPC), and Cost per Action (CPA) bidding options. CPM bidding pays for every thousand ad impressions, CPC bidding pays for each click, and CPA bidding pays only for specific actions like purchases or sign-ups. Instagram, on the other hand, has CPM and CPA bidding options.

When choosing a bidding strategy, consider your marketing goals, target audience, and budget. CPM bidding is good for increasing brand awareness, while CPC or CPA bidding is ideal for driving conversions. It’s essential to choose the strategy that aligns best with your goals and to adjust your bid as needed to achieve desired results.

  • Ad Placement

Ad placement refers to where your ad will appear on Facebook or Instagram. The placement of your ad can significantly impact its cost and performance. On Facebook, you can choose from news feed, right column, and story section. The news feed is the primary feed that users see when they open the Facebook app or website, the right column is a smaller area on the right side of the screen, and the story section displays full-screen ads in a slideshow format. 

On Instagram, your ad can appear on the feed, story section, or explore section. The feed is the primary feed that users see when they open the Instagram app, the story section displays full-screen ads, and the explore section is where users discover new content including sponsored posts and ads.

  • Ad Frequency 

Facebook and Instagram have different policies and options when it comes to ad frequency. On Facebook, you have the option to set a frequency cap to limit the number of times your ad is shown to the same user. This ensures that your ad reaches a wider audience and avoids ad fatigue. On Instagram, frequency capping options are limited, and it can be challenging to control ad frequency on the platform.

Another difference between the two platforms is how they determine ad frequency. Facebook uses data from a user’s interactions with your ad and other ads to determine ad frequency. Instagram, on the other hand, uses a more generalised approach, considering factors such as the user’s activity, the type of ad, and other factors to determine ad frequency.

  • Ad Optimisation 

Ad optimisation is the process of improving the performance of your advertising campaign by adjusting various elements, such as targeting, ad format, placement, and bidding strategies. Ad optimisation is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment to achieve the desired results.

On Facebook and Instagram, you have access to a wealth of data and insights that can help you optimise your advertising campaign. For example, you can use data on ad performance, such as click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate, to determine which aspects of your ad are working well and which need improvement.


In conclusion, by taking these considerations into account, you can create an effective advertising campaign that aligns with your marketing goals and budget. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads and sales, Facebook Ads vs Instagram Ads offer a wealth of opportunities to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing objectives. Check out our social media services to discover how we can help you to take your social media strategy up a notch.