March 23, 2018 | Categorised in: Tags:

Ideally, your website gives your business conversion so you can make a profit. However, this doesn’t always happen and you don’t understand why.

Even if you spend hours creating an excellent website that does give you traffic, it may not lead to any conversions.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this. Many website owners don’t understand conversion rate optimisation or how to get it done. The good news is that conversion rate optimisation is not rocket science. Popular site builders like WordPress, BigCommerce and Shopify even have themes that can help you achieve better conversion rates with minimal effort.

However, optimising your conversion rates is not something you can just do in a day. It takes strategic planning and efforts to direct traffic to a specific page on your website. You have to optimise your landing pages and overall website using analytics together with marketing psychology. Using all these elements will turn your traffic into customers.

infographic cro hacks

Don’t make beginner mistakes and take a hint from a few of these tips:

  • Simple fill-in forms – Always ask yourself if you really need specific information.
  • Quality photos – Use your own photos rather than ones from Google.
  • Call to action – Your most important part of your website. Spend more time and effort here. Make it easy for traffic to find it and then perform tests to make sure it works.

These beginner and advanced tips for conversion rate optimisation are a part of 46 Hacks infographic from Website Builder.