April 5, 2019 | Categorised in:

As a marketer, you should set goals for every campaign you run in LinkedIn and everywhere. At the campaign’s end, you should measure your results to see if you met your set goals or if you fell short. There are several marketing tactics you can use to create a new marketing plan for 2019, and I’ve outlined them below.

  1. Sponsored InMail – If you want a unique add format that allows you to deliver customised and personalised add content through LinkedIn’s Messenger, try Sponsored InMail marketing. This type of ad campaign allows you to reach your targeted audiences both on mobile and desktop, drive higher conversions with personalised messages and A/B test message to see which one is more effective for your campaign.
  2. Sponsored Content – A second effective marketing tactic is having sponsored content on the LinkedIn platform. Sponsored content is a form of native advertising that appears directly on the LinkedIn feeds of your target audience. It lets you get your message out on mobile, desktop and tablets and use rich media to stand out from your competition. You can also test your messages and optimise your campaigns while they run.
  3. Text AdsText ads are compelling, straightforward cost-per-impress (CPI) or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising schemes. You can launch your campaign within minutes by creating your own ads, pay only for the ads that show promise and tailor your ads to be compelling for your targeted audience.

Using Campaign Manager to Run Your Ads

Once you decide on the type of ad campaign you want to run, you can start the process and have your campaign up quickly and efficiently with LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager. This dashboard is completely free to use!

Once you choose your format and create your ad, there is a section for you to choose your target audience. You can choose industry sectors, and this will put your ads in LinkedIn’s feeds of these corresponding sectors.

The next step is to set up a budget for your campaign, and there is a minimum daily budget limit of $10. You can choose cost per click (CPC), cost per impression (CPM) or cost per send (CPS). The option you choose will largely depend on your campaign.

Your campaign is now live, and you’re able to monitor it in real time to measure your results and change your metrics as you see fit.